Wednesday, September 2, 2015


Imagine with me a world where it’s safe to walk the streets at night,
 Instead of filled with fear and paranoia
Imagine with me a world where people bring each other up,
 Instead of holding them down.
Imagine with me a world where our elderly are exalted and cared for,
 Instead of treated with disdain and pity
Imagine a world with me a world where we went to war to save people,
 Instead of to save oil
Imagine with me a world where the standard of beauty is one that raises all women,
 Instead of demeaning and stolen
Imagine with me a world where a black president is the norm,
 Instead of making history
Imagine with me a world where the police protected and served,
 Instead of hid behind their badges and guns.
Imagine with me a world where a single mother could raise her children to be able to stand on there own,
 Instead of being shamed and looked down upon
Imagine with me a world where our prisons, weren’t filled passed capacity,
 Allowing real criminals to wander free and young kids are left to rot because an example needed to be made
Imagine with me a world where all teachers cared for there students,
 Instead of making tenure
Imagine with me a world where we didn’t need to create awareness,
 Because people are already aware and want to do better
Imagine with me a world where obesity isn’t an epidemic,
 Because our children are given actual food
Imagine with me a world where children can play outside unsupervised,
 Instead of monitored online
Imagine with me a world where education and hard work are rewarded
Imagine with me a world where whom I marry is my choice,
 Instead of a right that needed to be fought for
Imagine with me a world where rape isn’t a culture
Imagine with me a world where religion isn’t known for promoting hatred,
 Instead of offering love
Imagine with me a world where our churches didn’t burn, or sons didn’t die in the streets by the people who were meant to protect them
Imagine with me a world where our children didn’t grow up with fear of being killed for no reason other than being black
Imagine with me a world where I didn’t need to write this poem,
 Because everyone already knew.

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